




      随着科技的不断发展,外挂技术也变得越来越复杂,充分利用外挂技术可以实现在游戏中捷径上位、获取体力等不正当行为,扰乱了游戏的公平性。和平精英作为射击类游戏的代表,也受到了外挂无法控制 but has suffered a great deal from the infestation of cheaters and hackers. To maintain a fair gaming environment and protect the legitimate interests of players, the game developer Tencent Games has already taken steps to control the cheat and hack problem in the game, such as banning accounts, adding anti-cheating system and setting up the report mechanism.

      然而,反外挂机制只能抑制部分外挂行为,完全没有法律保障的情况下,很难有效地控制外挂行为。此外,玩家们 despaired at the unfairness when they faced the unfair payment system and privileges. Although Tencent Games has provided different versions of payment systems for players to choose from, it is still considered inequitable by some players because some have to pay more than others for the same items or services. Meanwhile, some players feel there is injustice between players since a small group of players are getting special treatments from the game developer.

